Tutorial 018

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Drag it where ever you want to..


Download the materials HERE
Place Balls and Bubbles - Groene Ballen in:
C-Program files-Jasc software Inc - PSP 9 - Presets

Step 1

Open a new image 400x300 pixels, transparent.
Flood fill with background color #d5a786
Add a new raster layer
Effects - Artistic Effects - Balls and Bubbles - Groene Ballen - Single Bal or Bubble and maximum possible size
Layers - Merge - Merge visible
View - Rulers, then View - Grid
Go to your selection tool and select Circle.
Place the cursor in the middle of the bubble (Horizontal 200 - Vertical 150)
Drag a circle with the same size as the bubble.
Selections - Invert and hit the Delete button on your keyboard
Selections - select none
View - Rulers, then View - Grid
Move your Bubble to the left

Step 2

Open the tube Susan T 842
Copy and paste as new layer in your image.
Image - Resize - 65% - Resample using; Bicubic (Don't check resize all layers)
Move the women to the right.
Open the tube Susan 879.
Copy and paste as new layer in your image.
Image - Resize - 55% - Resample using; Bicubic (Don't check resize all layers)
Image - Mirror.
Move this tube to the left, but stay inside the bubble as much as possible.
With the Eraser Tool you erase everything of the tube that's outside the bubble.
Put the transparency of this tube layer to 22 in the layer palette.

Step 3

Go to your selection tool
Choose Star 1 or Star 2
Draw a little star en begin on the edge.
Hold your SHIFT button and draw at least 2 more stars.
Probably you have to to this a few times till it's correct, it's not so very easy.....
For example (Stars should NOT be red!)

When the stars are right: Selections-Load/save selection-save selection to Alpha channel - name it star
Selection - select none

Select a nice font (I used black chancery, size 36)
Preset: Create as selection
Type your own name or an other nice text
With the move tool and the right mouse button you can drag the selection to a nice place in the bubble
When the selection is ok: Selections-Load/save selection-save selection to Alpha channel - name it text
Selection - select none
Layers - merge - merge VISIBLE

Go to the layer palette, click with right and choose Duplicate.
Do this 2 times, so you have 3 the same layers
Lock the two upper layers and select the first one

Step 4

Open Animationshop now
File - Open - and search for Groen 6.gif that you downloaded for this tutorial
Open it and go to Edit - select all.
File - export frames - export to Paint Shop Pro
You will automatically go back to PSP now and see the Glitter gif in 3 layers there
Lock lijst3 and lijst2 in the layer palette and select lijst1

Step 5

Background color on pattern and select the green sparkles
Go back to your image.
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "star"
You will see the selection of the 3 stars in your image again.
Flood fill the selection of the stars with your background color (The green sparkles, lijst 1)
When all the stars are filled....selection - select none
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "text"
Your name will appear in the image, flood fill it with the green sparkles
After that, selections - select none
Lock the bottom layer, select and unlock the middle layer.
Do the same with the Groen6. gif
Go to your pattern and change it to the other green sparkles (lijst 2)

Go back to your image.
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "star"
Flood fill the selection of the stars with your background color (The green sparkles, lijst 2)
When all the stars are filled....selection - select none
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "text"
Your name will appear in the image, flood fill it with the green sparkles
After that, selections - select none
Lock the middle layer, select and unlock the upper layer.
Do the same with the Groen6. gif
Go to your pattern and change it to the other green sparkles (lijst 3)

Go back to your image.
You're on the upper layer now
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "star"
Flood fill the selection of the stars with your background color (The green sparkles, lijst 3)
When all the stars are filled....selection - select none
Selections - Load/ save selection from Alpha channel - select "text"
Your name will appear in the image, flood fill it with the green sparkles
After that, selections - select none

Unlock all layers of your creation and select the bottom layer.
Go to Files - Save as - Animation Shop (psp)
Name it tutorial 18
Look into which folder you save the image!

Step 6

Go to Animation shop.
Open the Wizard animation (under file)
Same size (next)
Transparent (next)
Center and canvas color (next)
Yes, repeat and 12 seconds (next)
Add image and search for tutorial 18
File type is Paint Shop Pro image!!
Open the image tutorial 18 (next)
By clicking here you can see your animation
File - save as- choose a name and select a folder.

Your creation is finished, maybe it wasn't the easiest, but the result is nice.....I think
Will you tell me in my guestbook what you think of the tutorial?